How to lose weight naturally 2021

My personal weight loss journey and lessons learned

How to lose weight naturally 2021

There is no weight loss magic pill to lose weight over night

What works for me might not really work for you as fast as it did for me. Why? Our body systems reacts differently to food. What makes me lose weight might make you gain weight or vice versa

Learn and understand your body 

how it reacts to food, whatever you eat if it bloats you, makes you more hungry, skin reaction, bad breath of any sorts, that food is an allergen to you. Stay away

Exercise is very important to help burn fat and build lean muscle

Your body is not designed to consume donuts, pizzas and ice-creams, it reacts positively to natural food ( fruits, leave greens , protein , nuts and seeds )

Water is life, drink at least 2 to 3 liters a day. Every 30kg you weigh =1litre of water + 1 extra litre to help flush toxins off your system. 

 If you weigh 65kg, you need 2,5 liters +1litre of water which is =3,litres of water per day

You need to sleep at least 6 to 8 hrs. a day. Your body needs some rest  and you burn most fat while you sleep as your body goes in a fasting mode

Learn to manage stress as it contributes a lot to belly fat

Limit your al-cohol intake as it dehydrates your body

Cut down slowly on sugar, refined carbs, fizzy drinks, smoking and over eating 

You do not need to look skinny to be healthy. Being physically given does not necessarily mean you are unhealthy. Love yourself enough to listen to your body and do right by it

Losing weight is not about being pretty, it's about your mental health and general wellness of your body

My advice: Weight loss is not an easy journey to start with, it takes a lot of handwork, determination and consistency to be where you wanna be. It takes 21 days to break a habit, tackle them one by one until you reach your goal no matter how long it takes. To cut down on everything at once might set you up for failure

Find what really works for you and stick with it. Being all over the place might make things worse for you. You cannot achieve any results if you move from one diet to another every 5 days. That's why you will end up feeling NOTHING REALLY WORKS FOR YOU.

Lastly: A GOAL/PLAN FULL OF EXCUSES HAS NEVER GIVEN ANY POSITIVE RESULTS. Divorce your EXCUSES and marry consistency. All that is required from your is EFFORT  No More Excuses.

If you agree with me, Type in NO MORE EXCUSES

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