Hojaldre's brain with fruit and bake cream

 I'm bringing you a sweet recipe today, a stuffed tin with fruit and bake cream, a combination of textures and flavours that is a genuine delight. We're going to present it in the form of a braid, it's very simple to do and it's very visible! I'll explain step by step, like doing this rich tin braid, we started preparing the ingredients. 

Hojaldre's brain with fruit and bake cream

a tin filled braid Filled tin recipe: ingredients 1 Rectangular tin sheet 275 GR APPROX. 

  1. Five yolks
  2.  50 grams of corn 
  3. 500 ml of milk
  4. 100 grams sugar the skin of a lemon 
  5. Two spoons of vanilla flavour 
  6. 60 grams of ears 
  7. 50 grams of raisins 
  8. 75 gr of nuts 
  9. 1 egg to paint the tin For the frosting 
  10.  50 grams of glas sugar. 
  11. 10 ml liquor 
  12.  10 ml orange juice Like making tin with fruit: 

step by step of the preparation 

We'll start by preparing the pastry cream for the filling:

 we put in a casserole the milk, along with the lemon skin and the vanilla scent. 

We let it get hot, not too strong and moving from time to time As soon as the milk boils, we remove the casserole from the fire, we cover, and let it rest together for about 10 minutes 

2-On the other hand, we will bathe the yolks with sugar until we have a bleaching and creamy mixture 

(we can do it with hand rods or electric rods) 

We add the corn now and mix again until it's integrated and there are no grumbles finally, we will incorporate the milk we had infusion before (we must remove lemon skin) 

Since milk will still be slightly hot, we will gradually incorporate it into thread and continuously moving with the hand rods, so we can add it without the eggs being curled 

3-We put the mixture we just made in the casserole and take it back to the fire We must cook it in the smooth fire, moving continuously so that it doesn't hold at the bottom, at least for about 10 minutes, until we see it's thickened at our taste. Just be careful, you must bear in mind, that cooling it will win consistency.

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