Recipe for rotos or the ham-wrapped

 The recipe for broken eggs is a classic of our gastronomy, one of the most famous Spanish recipes with eggs and also of the preferred ones at home, especially if broken eggs, like today, are accompanied by ham.

The truth is that the combination of flavours of this dish is a real wonder and another point in favour of this recipe is that its preparation is suitable even for beginners in the kitchen, because, with little and very simple ingredients and very easy, you get a luxury dish and with which the diners enjoy the maximum, I assure you.

Broken egg recipe: ingredients 

  1. Three or four medium potatoes
  2.  4 big eggs or L size 
  3. 80 grams of a good finite 
  4. cut ham oil get out

Like making broken eggs or star eggs: 

step by step of the preparation Let's start by preparing the potatoes. We bathe them and wash them well and, if we have time, we leave them lying on a bowl covered in water. This way, we get them to drop the starch and get them loose when they fry them.

 If we don't have time, we put them down the cold water jet. In both cases, we slice them and dry them up very well, cut them into slices and salt them to taste. 2We put heat on plenty of oil in a pan. When it's hot, we incorporate the potatoes, which must be covered by the oil. We'll put the fire down and fry the middle-low-fire potatoes, slowly, even tender. 

At that point, we go back to the fire and, as soon as we see they're gonna start to fall asleep, we pull the potatoes out of the pan. 

We put them on a slipper, or on absorbent paper, to remove the excess oil. 3Once we have the slightly slight potatoes, we'll place them right away at the source where we want to present the broken eggs, and we'll split the slightly sliced ham over them. 

We're going to fry the eggs. We'll use an anti-adherent pan and some of the oil we've fried the potatoes in. We'll put it on warm, fire strong and when the oil is very hot, we'll crush the egg in the pan. We put the fire down and cook to taste, for me, the ideal thing is that they have a slight tip but with a nice little yolk, so that we can mix it well with the potatoes.

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